About Us
Culpeper Amateur Radio Association (CARA) is an ARRL affiliated organization. Its members are avid amateur radio operators residing in west central Virginia, in and around Culpeper County, VA. Members participate in all aspects of the amateur radio service, from casual QSOs on the HF, VHF and UHF bands using RTTY, CW, SSB and digital modes, to faster paced activities like radio contesting and ARRL’s Field Day event.
CARA is also very supportive of the local community, providing communications assistance for a variety public events, including Wicked Bottom Run Cross Country race, Culpeper Cycling Century race, and Culpeperfest. We also support local Scouts, especially during the annual Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) event.
Members train and stand ready to provide backup emergency communications to local, state, and federal emergency services in coordination with Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), and Virginia Hospital Hams.
CARA is a group of community oriented radio enthusiast who are dedicated to the amateur radio hobby/service. Please visit us at one of our meetings and learn how you can get involved in the hobby and club yourself.